Yoga | Birth | Babies

Community Birth Story: The Wildest Night of My Life with Alexis Field



Today on Yoga| Birth | Babies we have an absolutely gripping, fascinating, and very NYC birth story. As my guest Alexis Field puts it, “It was the wildest night of my life and the birth I had always hoped for.”  I’ve listened to birth stories for years and I love each and every one. What I absolutely love about Alexis’ birth story is that in addition to being a fantastic, empowering, and exciting tale, Alexis (the parent who gave birth), is a performer. She knows how to hold the space and really tell a story. You are going to be thrilled as you hear Alexis share how her labor and birth experience unfolded, it really is wild.  For those of you based here in NYC, I know you’ll be able to envision the five floor walk up that she lives in (and how her husband has to help people in and out of the building). Alexis will have you on the edge of your seat. I’m so excited for you to feel inspired and excited and root for Alexis throughout her story. Get the most out of each episode by checking out the show notes wit