Yoga | Birth | Babies

How To Introduce Allergens to Your Baby with Katie Ferraro



If you’ve begun or are about to begin the process of weaning your baby, food allergies might be at the top of your mind. With so many people having serious reactions to common foods such as milk, eggs, shrimp, and peanuts you might find yourself wanting to put off giving these foods to your baby. But is that a good idea? And even if you’re ready to test these foods out, you might be wondering how a choking hazard like peanut butter can safely be given to an infant.  On today’s episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies we’re going to talk about how to introduce allergenic foods to your baby through baby-led weaning. To have this conversation I invited Katie Ferraro, a registered dietician specializing in baby-led weaning and host of the podcast Baby-Led Weaning Made Easy. We’ll be talking about when one can ideally introduce allergens to a baby, the nine foods that account for ninety percent of food allergies, how to introduce these foods, and what to look for in an allergic reaction.  If you’re about to begin the journe