Yoga | Birth | Babies

How To Lower Your Anxiety and End the Battle of Wills with Your Child with Olivia Bergeron



It’s 4:45pm on a beautiful spring day, as you walk past the playground you notice an exasperated mother force her wailing toddler into a stroller. Did you shudder as you walked past grateful this wasn’t you? Or maybe at times, it’s been you. To be perfectly honest with all of you, at times it’s been me.  On today’s episode of Yoga| Birth | Babies we’re going to talk about anxiety and the need to control your child (or children). When I came across this topic from our guest, psychotherapist and parent coach Olivia Bergeron I thought wow, I totally relate to that. Have I felt the need to control things? Yes. Have I let my anxiety run my desire to control things? Yes. Have I gone head to head or (will to will) with both of my children? Yes.  So when I was introduced to Olivia and this topic, I thought this is something I really relate to and I think many other parents do as well. Olivia provides fantastic information. In our conversation she answers questions like does controlling really help? Or does the strate