Yoga | Birth | Babies

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy with Dr Elliot Berlin



Have you ever wondered why some babies naturally go head down around 34 weeks and others don’t? Or why some births progress quicker than others? A lot of it has to do with what’s happening inside your body! For a variety of reasons there might be constrictions or imbalances limiting baby’s movement. Today on Yoga | Birth | Babies we’re taking a dive into understanding how chiropractic care works, how it benefits baby, pregnancy, and your body. As well as the Webster technique, what it is and how it can encourage baby to go head down. We’re also going to talk about how chiropractic work can help those planning a VBAC, and we’ll be talking about the importance of informed choices and decision making.  For this lively and interesting conversation my guest today is Dr. Elliot Berlin prenatal chiropractor, childbirth educator, labor support bodyworker, and cofounder of Berlin Wellness Group. You may also have heard his podcast The Informed Pregnancy Podcast (which I had the honor of being a guest on). He is deligh