Yoga | Birth | Babies

Pushing Tips for Labor with Liz Wade & Shaina Brickner



If you're having a vaginal birth and it's time for that baby to make itself completely earthside, you have to get that baby out of your body through some form of pushing. The pushing phase of labor is often the portion of birth we see in movies and tv. Frequently we see a birthing person laying in a hospital bed crushing their partner's hand, screaming things like "Get this baby out of me." It doesn't seem particularly pleasant and might leave you wondering, is that what the pushing phase of labor really looks like?  To talk about talk about the top tips for the pushing stage of labor on this episode of Yoga | Birth Babies I have Liz Wade and Shaina Bricker. They're the hosts of The Birth Nurses Podcast and labor and delivery nurses with over 40 years combined experience. We cover the most advantageous positions to birth a baby (even if your care provider's not keen on having you in a variety of positions), getting around being told you have to birth on your back, and navigating a conversation with your birth