Yoga | Birth | Babies

An Open & Honest Talk About Postpartum Problems with Sarah Merrill



Parents, did you ever feel the pressure to "bounce back," fast after birth? Let's be real, the postpartum experience isn't always the one we imagine it to be. Today on Yoga| Birth| Babies, I've invited Sarah Merrill. Sarah recounts her own experience of postpartum and journey into parenthood. She is an advocate for birth trauma awareness and shares a bit of her own birth trauma in this episode. Parenthood can come with a mental load. Sarah offers tips on how she moved through the mental load of becoming a new parent.  You may know Sarah Merrill from her Instagram account called, Big Kid Problems, sharing humor and relatable content to everyday struggles. Her newest Podcast called, Bottle Service, is about her journey into parenthood and postpartum. Postpartum and parenthood can often be packaged as this happy, shiny thing we are all supposed to enjoy, but there can be a lot of struggle. I think you're going to receive a lot from our conversation and relate to her experiences she shares with us. My hope is h