Yoga | Birth | Babies

Ivana's Birth Story: A Magical Birth



We’re back with another favorite type of podcast episode, a birth story! I absolutely love the birth stories from our community. It truly is special and a joy to watch the students move through pregnancy, hear their birth stories and then come back postpartum. We have students who come in often for class and I really get to know and witness them as they go through their journey.  Sharing their birth story today is, Ivana Đurović, who brings a big smile to my face and all who meet her. Ivana was born and raised in Serbia. She came to New York for grad school to receive her PhD in Linguistics. Along the way she met her husband, got married and now they have their first baby together.  Ivana shares how magical her birth was and I adore how she describes her experience. There are many real traumatic births we hear about happening in the world. Ones we hope to learn from to help other parents avoid having a similar experience. It’s also important to hear about the wonderful birth experiences folks do have, because