Yoga | Birth | Babies

What to Do with a Colicky Baby with Megan Dishman



Does this scenario sound familiar to you? You have your baby and everything is going great the first few days or weeks. Suddenly your baby starts to cry and cry and cry. You try all different swaddles, ways to bounce your baby, wear your baby or soothe their tummy. During your visit to your pediatrician they tell you, “you have a colicky baby.” What does it mean to have a colicky baby? What are the misconceptions- gas, reflux, colic? Could it be affected by gut health? For those who have gone through this or currently experiencing this, what kind of emotional physiological support did you need from having a colicky baby? It can really impact you and your whole family. To dive deeper into this topic, today on Yoga| Birth| Babies we have Megan Dishman. She is an emergency room nurse in Utah. Megan was shocked in 2021 by her own postpartum experience with a colicky baby. This is such an important topic. Something I learned during this conversation is 20% of babies fit the criteria of colic. This information brin