Yoga | Birth | Babies

Preparing for a Cesarean Birth with Amy Morrison



Have you ever thought about what’s needed to prepare and recover from a cesarean birth? Whether you’re planning, have a scheduled cesarean or curious to know more, this information is valuable. We’ll discuss what to expect during a cesarean and how to create a cesarean birth plan. How to prepare the night before, what to wear to the hospital, what to do when you arrive and recovery on the other side of cesarean.  On this episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies, we welcome Amy Morrison to have this conversation. She is the founder of Pregnant Chicken, a popular online resource for expectant and new parents. Amy struggled to find reliable information during her own pregnancies. She wanted to offer advice that’s straight forward to other parents. Some things we desire may not go as planned, but the main focus is about having an open conversation of expectations with your care provider. Vaginal birth or cesarean, this conversion is equally important to have with your care provider to create a family centered birth. Prepar