Yoga | Birth | Babies

Birth Story: The Power of a Supportive Birth Team with Sydney Pollock LCSW, PMH-C



Today we have a birth story from one of our community members Sydney Pollock.  I had the privilege of watching Sydney go through her whole pregnancy at PYC.  She started taking class very early in her pregnancy and the last class that she took was the day her water broke, two days before she was supposed to be induced!  Sydney shares her birth story with me and recounts the surprises that happened during her experience.   As we were talking about the highs and lows and some of the unanticipated outcomes of her birth, she spoke about how her care provider was incredibly supportive.  The way her birth team treated her made the difference between her having a dramatic birth experience versus a traumatic one.  Sydney’s birth story is an example of how birth doesn’t have to go exactly how we envisioned for it to feel empowering.  Birth can have its unexpected turns, but you don’t have to be traumatized by it.  Despite its twists and turns, you can still feel incredibly supported and taken care of by the people aro