Yoga | Birth | Babies

Understanding Your Newborn Baby with Dr. Wendy Hunter



Have you thought about what happens right after baby is born?  Today we dive into what to expect following baby’s birth and how to navigate the first 12 weeks of life.  We discuss many topics including umbilical cord care, circumcision care and even how to bathe your baby.  We also dive into the subject of feeding and what to anticipate the first week.  Although the newborn phase may be overwhelming, our guest Dr. Wendy Hunter, approaches this conversation in an accessible way that makes it easy to follow and understand.   Dr. Wendy Hunter joins us to have this discussion today on, Yoga| Birth| Babies.  Wendy Hunter, MD is a pediatrician in San Diego, CA. She rounds on newborns at Scripps Hospital. Her podcast “The Pediatrician Next Door'' mixes the science of medicine with the realities of parenting.  She incorporates integrative therapies into her practice. Dr. Hunter would like to normalize the anxiety parents may feel during the newborn phase.  She encourages parents to recognize the anxiety they feel d