Leading Saints Podcast

Welcoming Young Women into the Bishop’s Office | An Interview with Jennie and Dave Blaser



Jennie Blaser is the ninth of 11 children and has lived all over the world: Hawaii, Utah, California, Arizona, Argentina, Slovenia, and Hong Kong. She served an 18-month mission in one branch in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and speaks English, Spanish, and Slovenian. She graduated in International Finance with a minor in Spanish from Brigham Young University, returning to earn an MBA. Jennie has taught early morning Seminary, Marriage and Family Relations, Relief Society, Sunday School, and Gospel Doctrine. She has also served as a second counselor in a Young Women presidency twice and second counselor in a Relief Society presidency five times. Jennie is currently the second counselor in her stake Young Women presidency. Dave Blaser grew up in an Air Force family and also lived all over. He served a mission in Mendoza, Argentina, graduated from BYU in Construction Management, and has worked in commercial construction management for 24 years. He is currently the executive vice president of operations for Layton Const