You Turn Podcast W/ Ashley Stahl

[MINDSET] Ep. 33: How You Can Change Your Habits w/ Ajit Nawalkha



This week, Ash interviews author and co-founder of Mindvalley and Evercoach, Ajit Nawalkha, about the magnification of social comparisons and how it affects the way we feel about our own lives. Ajit will discuss ways which we can rewire our brain, how we can get more connected to what our values are, and how life is less like a journey and more like a dance. Ash and Ajit will reimagine the notions surrounding goal setting and values, explain how we can get into a state of flow, give insight into how we can train our subconscious mind, and encourage us to be creators. Ajit’s website: Ajit’s Book: Live Big Book Mentioned: The Book - Alan Watts