Leading Saints Podcast

How My Stake Leads Through Social Media | An Interview with Brooke Reynolds



Brooke Hellewell Reynolds grew up in Laguna Niguel, California. She studied graphic design at Brigham Young University and moved to New York City a few days after graduation. Brooke spent 10 years in New York, art directing magazines at Martha Stewart, meeting her husband John in the Manhattan singles ward, and began working as a freelance designer after the birth of her first child. After a particularly dreary New York winter, she convinced her husband to move back to California where she has been working from home (in more ways than one) ever since. Brooke has served in stake Relief Society and Primary presidencies and currently serves as the Social Media Director in the Laguna Niguel, California stake. Though she cried when she was first called to work on social media (true story) she has since realized the great power of these inspired tools. She and her husband John have four children. In this podcast Brooke takes us through how she runs her stake’s social media pages and give us ideas on how to unify ou