Divorce Master Radio

Day In The Life Of A Divorce LDA (Paralegal) Los Angeles Divorce Divorce661 #dailyperspektiv Ep. 63



Welcome to our Podcast where we break down the complexities of divorce proceedings into easy-to-understand steps. In this video, we cover crucial aspects like spousal support decisions, child support orders, and filing for divorce without an attorney. Spousal Support Decisions: Learn about determining the amount, duration, start and end dates, and payment methods for spousal support, including insights on how courts handle different scenarios. Streamlined Divorce Process: Discover how we expedite the divorce process from weeks to mere days, showcasing real cases where agreements were reached swiftly, paperwork finalized efficiently, and judgments filed promptly. Children Born Before Marriage: Explore cases where children born before marriage influence divorce proceedings and legal considerations. Name Restoration: Should you reclaim your maiden name during divorce? We discuss the benefits and procedures involved. Child Support Order Attachment: Get insights into the mandatory sections of FL-342 and essenti