Vertimax Vive

Will Hitzelberger — Extra Strength & Conditioning Training is Needed in Soccer



Will Hitzelberger, as the Founder and President of SPECTRUM, has made significant strides in sports performance training, particularly in soccer. He is a VertiMax ambassador and has been a Certified VertiMax Master Trainer and Presenter, leveraging VertiMax equipment to redefine soccer training with innovative techniques.   Will sits down with Al to talk about what’s really lacking in soccer for the average athlete. Unfortunately, there is just not enough emphasis on strength & conditioning training and if you really want to become a high-level player, you have to make time outside of your club to get your body conditioned right.   Key Takeaways: [2:00] As a young father, how does Will think about sports and coaching differently? [3:55] As a coach, how do you get an edge and become a great coach? [6:10] Athletes have to incorporate more strength and conditioning training into their routine if they want to be high-level soccer players. [8:00] What movements should soccer players be paying attention to? [10