Vestiges Of Christianity

The Enigma of Negative Near-Death Experiences with Regan Forston and Kathy McDaniel



In this particularly intriguing episode, Vestiges After Dark welcomes two remarkable guests to examine the perplexing phenomenon of negative near-death experiences (NDEs). Kathy McDaniel, who has personally endured a harrowing NDE, will share her vivid account and the lasting impact it has had on her life. Contrasting her experience, we have Regan Forston, a researcher who, despite extensive study, has never come across a negative NDE in his work. Together, they will discuss their individual perspectives and theories, shedding light on why some NDEs are fraught with distress while others are described as blissful. This episode promises to navigate the mysterious waters of near-death experiences, exploring potential psychological, spiritual, and physiological explanations for these divergent encounters with the afterlife. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation that seeks to understand the nature of these profound experiences and what they could signify about life, death, and what lies beyond.To call into