Backbone Radio With Matt Dunn

Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - April 14, 2024 - HR 2



As WW3 beckons, host calls for global “Time Out” until November. Politely asking everyone on the world stage to settle down and be calm until the adults get back in charge in America. Meanwhile, talking the Secret Stuff. RINO Speaker Johnson folds on FISA. Sen. Rand Paul takes umbrage. Explaining how things work behind the curtain. The leverage of the unelected and the unaccountable — definitely not much of a “democracy.” Plus, describing the emergence of conservative “Dr. Phil.” A new book, a new show from Phillip McGraw, Ph.D. A welcome voice in the effort to save America? Notes on trail running, exercise and physical activity in odd spare moments. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.