Reiki Radio

Kali Ki Reiki, with Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa)



Hi Alchemist! Today you will meet Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa), author of “May the Loveforce Be With You ~ Kali-Ki Reiki: Healing through Divine Mother and Yogic Wisdom.” The book introduces Kali Ki Reiki for healing and consciousness expansion. As a yogi, meditator, and retired psychologist, Rajashree Maa sees true healing as a gateway to spiritual “wisening” and realization of the Limitless Love within us all. Her DROPPP (Deep Release of Persistent Pain Patterns) Method is a gentle and potent treatment for trauma release. She heads The Wisdom School in the Bay Area, where she offers online and in-person healing and training in Kali-Ki Reiki. Learn more on her website Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and sign up for the Reiki Retreat in San Diego! You can also get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo