The Documentary

The Christians Stranded in Thailand



Thousands of Christian refugees who have fled religious violence in Pakistan are stranded in Thailand. They travel there because of cheap tourist visas but quickly get caught in a tangle of asylum bureaucracy which can mean waiting years to move on to a third country. It happens because Thailand does not offer asylum to refugees, but passes them on to the UNCHR for processing; but the UN is overwhelmed, leaving many to suffer poverty and deprivation while they await news of their cases. In some cases men, women and children are rounded up by the Thai authorities and incarcerated in grim detention centres or even imprisoned. For Assignment, the BBC’s Chris Rogers reports from the backstreets of Bangkok where many of the refugees are in hiding and goes undercover to expose the treatment of these people in Thailand’s detention system.Produced by Michael Gallagher(Photo: Illegal immigrants in Thailand find themselves in detention)