Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Ep. 109: The One Thing You Must Do in a Job Interview, with Anita Bruzzese



Our guest Anita Bruzzese explains why casting a wide net is a bad job search strategy, and she shares tips to help you decide what you want to do, set priorities for your next job, and be prepared to interview every time you send in a job application. About Our Guest: Anita Bruzzese Anita Bruzzese is an award-winning journalist specializing in workplace and career issues. She has written two career-advice books and has been quoted in publications such as O, the Oprah magazine, and has been on the Today show. Learn more about Anita on her website. Resources in this Episode Anita recommended StrengthsFinder and Bureau of Labor Statistics data tools for job seekers to find focus in their careers. Here’s a great strategy to answer “Where Will You Be in Five Years?” We talk about how to answer the 5-year-goal question when your goal is to have your interviewer’s job. Thanks to listener Katie Petit of Chicago, Ill. for the question! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit