Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Why You’re Not Getting a Second Interview, with Will Thomson



When you don’t make it to the second round after a decent first interview, you might be wondering what went wrong. On this episode, we talk to a seasoned recruiter, Will Thomson (, about common mistakes applicants make in the first interview and how to avoid them in the future to get more second interviews, and more job offers. About Our Guest: Will Thomson Will Thomson is the founder and president of Bulls Eye Recruiting ( He has worked with organizations including Dell, eBay, and Rosetta Stone. Will has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs and organizations grow their sales teams. He also blogs regularly about careers (, and his company’s website has received 20 international awards. Resources from this Episode Never Say These 11 Things During A Job Interview (Unless You Don’t Want The Job):