

Episode 476 – Is Quitting Drinking Hard?   Today we have Tonya. She is 50 and lives in St Paul, MN. She took his last drink on August 21st, 2021.   Registration opens today for our annual retreat in the beautiful Rocky Mountains located outside of Bozeman, MT. This retreat is from Wednesday August 14th through Sunday August 18th, and it is going to be a blast! Click here for the full itinerary and to get pricing info.   Better Help: - 10% off your first month. #sponsored   [02:30] Thoughts from Paul:   Is quitting drinking hard? It can be, yes but if you have a drinking problem, quitting drinking is way easier than riding alcohol off into the sunset of self-destruction.    Here are some reasons why it can be a challenge:   1)    Your body has to detoxify itself form the chemical alcohol. 2)    You are going to have to learn some new routines and make new habits. 3)    You need to start building friendships where alcohol isn’t the foundation. 4)    Accept that boredom is a norm