Kan English

How have the Haredim responded to the end of draft exemptions?



Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara has informed the Defense Ministry and Education Ministry that the process of drafting members of the ultra-Orthodox community into the army must begin now. She also warned against any attempt to continue funding yeshivas that harbor students who dodge their army service, against court orders.  In a letter to legal advisers for both ministries, Baharav-Miara and Deputy Attorney General Gil Lemon noted that the state needs to tell the High Court of Justice by the end of the month what steps it is taking to draft the Haredi community. KAN's Mark Weiss spoke with Prof Benny Brown from Jerusalem’s Hebrew University and the Israel Democracy Institute  and asked him about the Ultra-Orthodox response to the draft decision and the cutting of yeshiva funds. (Photo:Flash90)See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.