Parent Footprint With Dr. Dan

BONUS EPISODE #33: Sitting Down with Dr. Dan – Listener Questions about Nex Benedict and other parenting topics



Trigger warning: sensitive material and discussion of death on this episode It’s March and this is the new Sitting Down With Dr. Dan bonus episode. Today Dr. Dan and podcast producer Laura Rossi talk about bored children, vacation routines, nesting parties, and a very serious topic: bullying and the tragic death of Nex Benedict. Each month Dr. Dan answers listener questions about parenting (and adulting, too!) on our Sitting Down with Dr. Dan bonus episodes. Please email your parenting questions to or DM us on social media. We read every question and we want to consider yours for a future bonus episode. Our new bonus episodes drop in our regular podcast feed that last Tuesday of every month. Follow us @parentfootprintpodcast (Instagram, Facebook) and @drdanpeters (X formerly Twitter). Please listen, follow, rate, and review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. For more information: Dr. Dan’s expertise and wisdom