The Ruby Rogues

Web Hosting and Maintaining - RUBY 586



Dave and Valentino join this week's panelist episode to talk about important points to remember in web hosting. Dave begins by discussing ways to prevent security breaches in your system or data and prevent any ransomware attacks. He shares his own experience on how he maintains his website and the resources he is currently using. SponsorsChuck's Resume TemplateDeveloper Book ClubBecome a Top 1% Dev with a Top End Devs MembershipLinksDrifting RubyDHH: We’re Leaving the Cloud  ProxMox: An open-source virtualization platformAMD Risen 9 7950X GPU computing with NVIDIA’s CUDA coresCERN’s LHC@Home volunteer computing platformCOVID-19 HPC ConsortiumPicksDave - SteamDeck Valentino - Flipper ZeroAdvertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast: