Humans Of Purpose

292 Jarahad Valeri: Live Welly



Jarahad Valeri Jarahad is the Founder of Welly. Welly is encouraging effortless healthy habits. They do this by providing a ready-made healthy fruit and veggie mix that you can simply shake with your water to create a delicious smoothie. This matters because 96% of children and 90% of adults don’t get their recommended intake of fresh fruit or veg. Welly makes it convenient and easy to get your and your family's nutritional needs met. Click here to get 20% off your Welly fix, compliments of Jarahad and Humans of Purpose. Leadership Victoria We are thrilled to be sponsored by Leadership Victoria until August. Leadership Victoria is an innovative, independent social enterprise. Their vision is purposeful leadership for an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable society and they exist to foster leadership that inspires, connects, and transforms. Click here and you’ll get a copy of the new book from the Kansas Leadership Centre, "When Everyone Leads" thanks to the kind folk at Leadership Victoria. "When Everyone