Humans Of Purpose

318 Elliot Costello: Deplastify World



Elliot Costello Given the stellar year we've had and how far the podcast has come it's only fitting that our first ever podcast guest Elliot Costello of YGAP fame joins me to discuss his new plastics reduction venture Phantm, albeit 317 episodes and 7 years later.    Elliot is the CEO of Phantm. Phantm or on a mission to deplastify the world's supply chains. It is a digital platform enabling businesses to identify better packaging and products, minimise environmental impact, fast track progress towards esg goals and monitor key milestones.   This is out last official episode of 2023, but stay tuned for some quality bonus content and do peruse our back catalogue of several hundred episodes should you require additional content during the holiday break!   Promotional Partnerships Like what we are serving up on Humans of Purpose and believe youself to be in a values-aligned organisation? Our promotional campaigns have delivered great outcomes and ROI for our partners to date.  Don't waste your marketing dollars