The Atheist Experience

The Atheist Experience 28.12 with Secular Rarity and Jmike



Welcome to the full Atheist Experience where JMike and Secular Rarity(SR) take on the resurrection, complaints of atheists, and people being saddened by the truth before Kelley Laughlin takes over for JMike battling the allegation that atheists have no will and the fear of hell. James in OH has evidence for the resurrection that has been heard before and is Biblical based. Why would it need to be a supernatural cause if Jesus did in fact resurrect? You must make your case for this with an argument because just stating it doesn't cut it. How can this be done without just adding more miracles? Giving reasons and evidence will move people closer to your position. What is the earliest date of the earliest gospel? Michael in FL asks why atheists complain that Christians can’t agree on issues when atheists can’t even agree on what atheism is. SR reminds the caller that Christians inherently have the same idea of the deity while atheists do not have any idea of a deity. JMike points out the problem of interpretation