Christopher Scott Show

The Just War



Just war deals with the justification for war. A just war is a war that is justified, has a just cause, and has the right intention.A just war is one that is in accordance with the principles of justice, including being fought for a just cause and waged by a rightful authority. A just war is a war that is fought with the intention of making peace, or to restore peace. It is considered as a moral and ethical conflict.A just war can be seen in the context of three different types: defensive, aggressive and preventive wars. A just war is a war that is fought for a moral reason. A just war can be defined as a conflict between two or more countries that are in disagreement on an issue. The fight is not to take over the other country but rather to solve the disagreement.A just war is a war that has been justified to have been fought by the standards of international law. It is also called a moral war. This can be seen as an act of self-defense, or in order to protect the innocent from harm.Is the war in Ukraine a j