Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

Class, income and a shift in American politics



New data shows Black and Latino voters are shifting away from the Democratic Party and toward the GOP. But is this shift real? We’ll get into it and discuss the possible economic forces at play. Plus, what you really need to know about President Joe Biden’s budget proposal. And, the similarities between humans and bumblebees! Here’s everything we talked about today: “White House Forecasts Somewhat Higher Interest Rates” from The Wall Street Journal Survey on racial realignment in American politics from John Burn-Murdoch on X “Bees Reveal a Human-Like Collective Intelligence We Never Knew Existed” from ScienceAlert “Ancient Rome successfully fought against voter intimidation − a political story told on a coin that resonates today” from The Conversation We love to hear from you. Send your questions and comments to or leave us a voicemail at 508-U-B-SMART.