Quantum Business Insights With Olivia Parr-rud

Value Populations: A New View of the Market with Ken Beller



Do you consider yourself a Millennial? A Baby Boomer? Part of the Gen X or Gen Y generation? These demographic groups are not only popular, they are often used by marketers to predict future behavior based on past behavior—measured during historic time periods that are attributed to these generational groups. However, they do not accurately reflect powerful shared experiences, nor do they address shifting global markets and technological acceleration. Yet, they seem to go unchallenged…until now. Tune in and learn a new approach to generational demography. Gain insights into why people behave the way they do and learn to predict future behaviors based on deep-seated and often unconscious values—values that were created by experiencing shared events in the cultural environment during formative years. Learn why values are a key driver of behavior and how they act as motivational filters through which past behaviors are more easily understood and future actions are more predictable.