Quantum Business Insights With Olivia Parr-rud

Mindfulness in the Workplace with Amy Edelstein



To gain an edge in our highly competitive economy, employers need to create an environment that brings out the best in their employees. This includes training, support, and an environment that fosters well-being. We’ve seen a rash of tools introduced from in-office fitness programs to health-conscious catering. The tool that has proven to be the most effective and long-lasting in promoting employee well-being, cooperation, and creative problem solving is a tool called Mindfulness. Based on work initiated at U Mass Medical Center over 35 years ago, Mindfulness exercises have been clinically proved to be effective to reduce stress, anxiety, ADD and more. Tune in as I discuss Mindfulness with Amy Edelstein, a practitioner of Mindfulness since 1984 and a corporate Mindfulness trainer. Learn about the many benefits of bringing Mindfulness to your corporate culture. Gain insights into a few brief experiential practices that bring long lasting benefits. www.amyedelstein.com