Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Episode 13: Three Ways to Prepare Chestnuts



Today we will talk about how to tap into one of the easiest foods to grow on your land in our area: Chestnuts! Specifically how to harvest, store, grow and prepare them. What mother nature is providing Drought -  That means all the usual mushrooms that we harvest at this time of year are not blooming. The good side of this is that firewood has seasoned on the forest floor over the summer and is dry and easy to burn - Creek mint Venison What we are preserving this week Stocks and stews The final set of frozen summer tomatoes Before the freeze: harvested comfrey and other herbs and they are hanging to dry in the kitchen Preparing Chestnuts (Look you can buy them on Amazon!) Scoring: I like to use this tool. It operates like a stamp and makes me fear less for my fingers! Roasting Boiling The open fire method Three ways to eat chestnuts Roasted Added to stuff: Casseroles (like the dressing, tuna, etc), breads you are baking, dressing Chestnut griddle cakes: 1 cup milk, 2 eggs, 4 cups chestnuts (in shell)