Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Episode 53: Developing Your Dream Homestead (Six Months In)



Lots of things happened in the last week, including my first time in a hurricane, more goat hijinks, and success in preserving food. But even more interesting is a new interview with Dori. Remember Dori? She reached out earlier this year because she had purchased a dreamy sounding property in Missouri complete with deteriorating cabins and a home built onto the side of a cliff and into a cave! We had a fun interview right after her first weekend at the property and talked about her plans for the land. Dori will be on after our regular segments to give us an update on how things have developed in the last six months.  Support us on Patreon. Tales from the prepper pantry The fall garden provided a yellow squash! (Remember the risk I took?) Pea shoots Chestnuts Potato mania Cucumbers from the market Roasted butternut squash DUCK EGGS Radishes but no lettuce Kale Tomatoes 2.0 We’ve already eaten or given away half our salsa!\ Auditing the venison and our favorite processor went out of business. What we are pre