Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Episode 74: The Art of Knowing What is None of Your Business



It’s been awhile since we explored a freedom topic, and as most of you know, the ability to live life as freely as possible is one reason that Mark and I have chosen to go on this homesteading journey. So today, I thought that it might be fun to examine something about freedom that most people don’t talk much about: building the ability to know what is none of your business. You’ve all heard the term “Nimby” right? Well today we will walk through that, along with our usual segments and a few tales from the Holler. Direct Download What Mother Nature is providing • Dryad’s Saddle • Watercress, deadnettle and wild mustard flowers • Poke and hairy vetch should be coming out soon Tales from the Prepper Pantry • The blue bins and resulting can of snakes • Pickled beets in deviled eggs • Three final squashes to be buried in the garden • Onions still hanging in there • 8 jars of turkey stock put up Getting the gardens ready • Seedlings are in place • Need to trim the raspberries and thin out the wood chips • Hoping t