Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Episode 82: Training Animals on the Homestead



Today we talk about animals on the homestead, and more particularly training animals on the homestead. This is not the all-successful animal trainer’s view of getting your animals in line telling you how to achieve impossible results with just one week of practice when they have spent a lifetime learning. This will be a discussion of the benefits of training your livestock and some ideas on how to do that, as well as stories and examples of things I have done well here at the Holler Homestead === and not so well. Direct Download What Mother Nature is providing Poke Weed Tiger lilies - Lilium lancifolium Lettuce Garlic flowers Chard Dill Basil Tales from the Prepper Pantry Using up non-pickled beets Drying last year’s garlic to make garlic powder Harvest Bounty The 5 foot tomato was really 4 feet. NOW it is 5 feet and the blight begins Trellising Sweet potato greens are ready Questions from Listeners: What exactly do 'you' do with dandelions. Do you roast the root, dry the leaves for tea, etc. How do yo