Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Episode 167: Remember Not to Take Things Personally



It is so easy to get hurt by what people say and do to you - even when those same people meant something completely different. Today, I have a reminder for all of us to not take things so personally. It is not about you and it is not about me most of the time - but we perceive the world through our view - and everything can seem personally targeted to us, even when it isn’t. We will discuss that and some ways to reframe your view right after our regular segments. Cookbook update - Got my copy for a final edit - very excited to launch it! Email feedback to Tales from the Prepper Pantry Canning lots of stock  Not done with the summer pantry transition we discussed in Wednesday’s show What’s in Season “Wild Strawberries” which are really Mock strawberries or Duchesnea indica Peas are blooming - pea shoots Hairy vetch All the lettuces Clover flower collection week (for tea) Operation Independence Talk about the independence fund and being penny wise and pound foolish Duplex i