Charmed Life With Tricia Carr

350: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery with Raven Scott: Navigating Relationships through Human Design



When the echoes of a toxic relationship still linger in the mind, it can be a lonely journey back to self. That's why I'm thrilled to bring on Podcaster, Author, and Trauma-Informed Human Design Reader, Raven Scott, a beacon of hope for those entangled in the web of narcissistic abuse. Our conversation traverses the shadowed valleys of manipulation, guiding listeners through personal anecdotes and expert insights into the world of narcissists and those they prey upon. Raven, with her profound understanding of moon Human Design, shares essential strategies for healing and protecting the empath's spirit.Discovering the path to emotional resilience can be as complex as the human psyche itself. This episode peels back the layers of narcissism, revealing its traumatic roots and the societal conditions that cultivate such behaviors. With Raven's wisdom in tow, we confront the manipulation of open centers in Human Design—a tool for self-awareness that can be turned against the unaware. Together,