Music For Education & Wellbeing

[3] Breaking the mould: Wiltshire Music Connect’s community development model for a music education hub



In this episode, I’m talking with Nick Howdle and Sophie Amstell of Wiltshire Music Connect, which is a music education hub. Hubs are partnerships of organisations in England, who receive government funding to create joined-up music education provision in their local area as part of the government’s national plan for music education to 2020 |||| The Hub works in quite a different way from other hubs because it has a small team which doesn’t deliver music education, but devolves this to a range of music tutors and organisations, and supports local clusters with CPD, networking, and identifying needs |||| We talk about: • the model for music education in Wiltshire and its community development influences • how it collaborates with local music tutors, schools, and music education organisations • what implications the model has for delivering the core and extension roles that are required by government from whole class instrumental tuition to progression routes • how it maintains quality and access • how has