Steam Box's Podcast

Episode 6: Joyful Rebellion Season 2 Episode 6



Joyful Rebellion Season 2 Episode 6STEAM Box Founder, Genevieve Medina joins the Central Falls Warriors on the Season Finale of Joyful Rebellion. On this episode, the youth discuss the perfect therapist for them to talk to.  Do they prefer younger? Older? Man? Woman? Do they prefer someone who shares their interests?  Faith?  The answers might surprise you.Huge Shout out to all of you for listening and making this podcast so special.  Huge Shout out to my STEAM Punks who make me laugh and cry and often in the same episodes.  Huge Shout out to the professionals who helped us deal with our trauma this season like Genevieve, Aimee Haupt, Angelina Serrano (ANOTHER STEAM Box founder!), Sandra Victorino,  and Thalia Gonzalez.  You all rock!