Holly-j's Podcast

Episode 25: Ultraglow 2014 | Holly-J | Melbourne Show Promo Mix



This Saturday is Melbourne's Ultraglow Paint Party @ Melbourne Showgrounds! To get you all warmed up for it I've recorded a promo mix & played a bunch of tunes by my fellow Lucky Ent artists that are going to be playing at Ultraglow with me this weekend! BRING ON THE PAINT!!!! :)Last minute tickets are still available here: http://moshtix.com.au/v2/event/ultraglow-repainted-melbourne/71681And if you wanna see what all the fuss is about, here is the video I hosted last year :)http://youtu.be/qLFN6cjBfRg?list=PLUJw2vsd3i-NG08WLih3voSyG243sFdHP