Nixon Now Podcast

Irv Gellman on Nixon, Castro and the Cuban Revolution



2019 marks the 60th anniversary of the Cuban revolution and the take over of the island country by Communist leader Fidel Castro. In April 1959, Castro traveled to Washington and met with Vice President Nixon. On this edition of the Nixon Now Podcast, we explore this topic and the history of the American government’s Cuba policy with Dr. Irwin Gellman. Dr. Gellman is a historian and Nixon biographer. He’s author of “The Contender: Richard Nixon, the Congress Years, 1946­-1952,” and “The President and the Apprentice: Eisenhower and Nixon, 1952­-1961.” Interview by Jonathan Movroydis. Read the transcript: Photo: Fidel Castro and Richard Nixon on April 19, 1959 (Zuma Press).