Heart To Heart With Michael

Processing Grief Through Art



How can we use art to help us with our grief? Hannah Sherebrin, M.S., ATR, RN is a retired Director of the Art Craft studio of the University of Western Ontario, Canada. She moved to Israel in 1997 where she continues to work as an Art Therapist in private practice dealing mainly with trauma bereavement and depression with adult populations.She supervises practicum students and other art therapists and leads art therapy support groups of bereaved parents whose children have died in terrorist activities and in the army. Hannah has presented numerous international and national conferences in Canada, Israel, and the U.S., published articles in magazine and book chapters, served on the executive committee of the Ontario Art Therapy Association and currently is the Vice President of YAHAT, the Israeli Creative Arts Therapies Association. Hannah resided both in Israel and in Canada. Now she is immediate past president of the Israeli Art Therapy Association, and member of the overseeing committee. She is also the ch