Elevate With Robert Glazer

Geoff Smart on the Best Way to Hire Top Talent



Geoff is the is the Founder and Chairman of ghSMART, a leading global management consulting firm for talent, and the co-author of three bestselling books. One of those, Who: The A Method for Hiring, is a New York Times bestseller and is considered the leading resource on helping businesses hire and develop top talent. Geoff has a PhD in organizational psychology and has personally advised three US Governors, White House Fellows and a President of the World Bank. Geoff joined host Robert Glazer on the Elevate Podcast to talk how to hire and retain talent, why so many people do interviews wrong, how companies can recruit better, and more. A big thanks to our episode sponsors HoneyBook and DoorDash! When you started your business, you probably didn’t do it so you could spend all day doing admin tasks like drafting proposals, contracts and invoices. HoneyBook is here to help you do all the administrative things your business needs, but you don’t want to spend valuable time doing yourself. Professional templates,