Elevate With Robert Glazer

Cameron Herold on a Life of Entrepreneurship, Running Better Meetings and Vivid Vision



Cameron Herold, is one of the most gifted problem solvers in the entrepreneurial world. Cameron is a life-long entrepreneur, a master of operations, coach and keynote speaker. Cameron is the author of multiple bestsellers, including Meetings Suck and Vivid Vision.  He is also the founder of the COO Alliance, the world’s leading organization for Chief Operations Officers. Cameron joined host Robert Glazer on the Elevate Podcast to talk about his lifelong entrepreneurial journey, the vital role second-in-commands play in business, running better meetings and the importance of having a vivid vision in any organization. A big thanks to our episode sponsors the Predictive Index and SaneBox! Every business leader wants to get the right people in the right seats at their company. A leading talent optimization firm, Predictive Index has the tools you need to get the most out of your teams and make sure you have the people you need to build the business you want. You can request a demo of the Predictive Index by going