Golf Smarter

The Myth and Misconceptions of ‘Keep Your Head Down’



935: John Marshall is a Long Drive competitor…in his 70s!!! He shares his journey in long drive competition and his transition to teaching golf. He discusses the importance of consistency and making sound decisions in golf. John also emphasizes the significance of effective practice techniques and the benefits of stack and tilt for the right golfer. He provides insights into injury prevention and the misconceptions about keeping the head down in the golf swing. The conversation covers various topics related to golf, including curving the golf ball, hitting a draw, controlling the club face, the difficulty of replicating pro shots, the difference between amateur and pro golfers, advantages of pro golfers, going on strike from watching golf, the story of Nick Dunlap, and teaching golf online. TakeawaysConsistency is key in golf, and it is important to set realistic expectations and enjoy the game.Effective practice requires a solid plan and focus on specific areas of improvement.Stack and tilt can be beneficial