Cashflow Ninja W/ M.c. Laubscher

018: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday! What's Your "Why"?



A foundational building block to optimal health, fulfilling relationships and building generational wealth is your mindset and the way that you think and see the world. At the core of your mindset is you "why". In today's episode I will discuss why a strong "why" is so important to pursuing your goals. A strong enough "why" will give you the strength to get through challenging times on your way to the life of your dreams. Bestselfco., Make Success a Habit! Use the Self Journal to organize and align tactical day to day tasks with larger life goals.   Key Take Aways: We need to create the mindset we need to become the person that we need to be in order to have the live we desire in health, relationships and money. Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same. You need to have a very strong why to succeed otherwise you will just give up on whatever you are after when times get tough. What is your "why"? What motivates you? What is your vision that will keep you going in times of ch