Cashflow Ninja W/ M.c. Laubscher

024: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday! The Biggest Wealth Destroyers



In today's episode I discuss the biggest threats and destroyers of your wealth and what you can do to combat them. If you want to build real lasting wealth, this episode is a must listen! We discuss how ignorance, not having a wealth plan, taxes, interest and fees paid to financial and banking institutions, interest and fees paid to other third parties, financing costs (we finance everything we buy whether we buy it with cash or debt), market risk and inflation destroys your wealth and what you can do about it. Bestselfco., Make Success a Habit! Use the Self Journal to organize and align tactical day to day tasks with larger life goals.     Show Sponsors: Audible, download any audio book for free when you try audible for 30 days. Leadpages,  is offering a free marketing automation course that includes:12 video modules with step-by-step strategies to leverage what’s working in your business., get a free month of access at   Show Transcript Have some feedback you’d like t