Cashflow Ninja W/ M.c. Laubscher

026: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday! The Case Against Qualified Retirement Plans, 401K's and IRA's



Today I am going to give you my honest opinion about a financial sacred cow, qualified retirement plans (401K, 403b, 457b and I.R.A’s). I have a very contrarian view that will be very different from what you have heard from your financial advisor, financial media, employer, family and friends. My goal is not to persuade you or have you agree with me. My objective is firstly to give you my honest opinion and secondly to get you to see a completely different perspective that will hopefully be the catalyst for you to do your own research, due diligence and fact checking to form your own independent opinion.     Bestselfco., Make Success a Habit! Use the Self Journal to organize and align tactical day to day tasks with larger life goals.   Quote: “Do you really want to invest in a system where you put up 100 percent of the capital, you, the mutual fund shareholder, you take 100 percent of the risk, and you get 30 percent of the return?” - John Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group   Recommended Book: 401(k)aos b